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12 hours ago
This week, the EU election season will start in earnest, with MEPs heading home to start campaigning after churning through the packed schedule of last week’s final plenary session, whilst the lead Spitzenkandidaten debate each other in Maastricht.
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1 hour ago
EUobserver will be covering the debate in a novel format for the first time. We invite our members to join this live article by sharing their thoughts and comments.
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2 hours ago
Overlooking the prospects of new countries joining the EU would be a "terrible mistake" for the bloc, but reforms in the coming years are needed to make the process credible for candidate countries, European Council president Charles Michel said in an interview with a select group of journalists in Brussels.
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Informal meeting of the General Affairs Council

Agriculture and Fisheries Council

Informal meeting of the General Affairs Council

Macron and von der Leyen meet Chinese president Xi Jinping in Paris

Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council

Lithuanian presidential elections

Nato Military Chiefs of Defence meeting

EU elections

EU elections

EU elections

EU elections


What does Iran want?

9 hours ago
The West can try to further isolate Iran by imposing even more sanctions, but that will not reduce its revolutionary thought and sympathy for it. The result will only be further isolation of Israel in the region.
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Why EUobserver is now asking for your email address

3 days ago
I’d like to explain why we made this choice, and why we think it’s necessary. It’s not because we want your data. And it’s not because we’re intent on bombarding you with endless emails to sign up for a paid membership.
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Welcome to the new EUobserver

12 days ago
New website, same EUobserver. Come explore its updated look, features and possibilities for the future with us.
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