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3 days ago
MEPs from across Europe have urged the Austrian government to “encourage” the country's top bank not to hire more staff in Russia.
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8 hours ago
This week, the EU election season will start in earnest, with MEPs heading home to start campaigning after churning through the packed schedule of last week’s final plenary session, whilst the lead Spitzenkandidaten debate each other in Maastricht.
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2 days ago
Italy's media laws are "robust" enough to stop political interference, the EU has said, but for some the "capricious" nature of Italian people is a better prophylactic.
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Informal meeting of the General Affairs Council

Agriculture and Fisheries Council

Informal meeting of the General Affairs Council

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Lithuanian presidential elections

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EU elections

EU elections

EU elections


EU reliant on Russian LNG for time being, finds report

10 days ago
The European Union will remain reliant on Russian overseas liquified natural gas supply for some years to come, warned energy watchdog Acer, amid calls to cut off supply completely.
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Why EUobserver is now asking for your email address

3 days ago
I’d like to explain why we made this choice, and why we think it’s necessary. It’s not because we want your data. And it’s not because we’re intent on bombarding you with endless emails to sign up for a paid membership.
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Welcome to the new EUobserver

12 days ago
New website, same EUobserver. Come explore its updated look, features and possibilities for the future with us.
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