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1 day ago
Here are five reasons why and how the far-right will shape the next half decade of European integration, and five reasons to remain (cautiously) optimistic.
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2 hours ago
A new poll of polls to track the upcoming June EU parliament elections, built on a extensive weighted polling data to best approach accuracy.
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2 minutes ago
Slovakia is risking a fresh rift with EU institutions as a controversial bill on public service media is heading for government approval this week — raising suspicions about Hungary-inspired policies on media and democracy.
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Informal meeting of health ministers

Informal meeting of health ministers

Informal meeting of health ministers

Informal meeting of health ministers

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Migration pact hailed as 'huge' EU win, amid human-rights fears

12 days ago
MEPs have given their final approval to the EU's long-delayed immigration and asylum pact, which EU Commission president von der Leyen heralded as a "huge achievement for Europe".
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Welcome to the new EUobserver

6 days ago
New website, same EUobserver. Come explore its updated look, features and possibilities for the future with us.
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EU rules seen as insufficient to fix nutrient pollution

5 days ago
From rivers and lakes to lagoons and seas, numerous aquatic environments across Europe are grappling with a silent yet ubiquitous threat – an excess of nutrients that disrupt their ecological balance and imperil their very existence. And experts say current policies are not going to fix the problem.
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